This city feels like a movie in ways you can only imagine by visiting there yourself. I went from Christmas Day 2014 to New Year's Day 2015.
It was chilly of course but I would not trade that for anything. The experience of New Years on the champs elysees was an experience I will never forget.
My biggest tip for Paris is to learn how to use the metro right when you get there because it is super simple and will help you so much! The traffic is so ridiculous that the metro is quicker and cheaper than a cab ride. I would recommend getting on the metro and getting off at a random stop and exploring. I did that and ended up finding my favorite section of Paris that way.

Comment down below your favorite place that you have been and your top place you would want to go! Mine is Paris and I would love to go to Iceland.
I loved Paris! It's such a beautiful city - I went there in July with absolutely no expectations and it was great :D